Amnesia custom story funny
Amnesia custom story funny

amnesia custom story funny

This was common, with a lot of naked bodies bursting down doors in awkward, sexual position that excited Adam. There was a lot of jumpscares in the game, one where a several decapitated dog heads appeared out of no where. He woke up in his bed and saw the monster getting headshotted by a load of dead, naked people with small penises and no ballsacks, screaming BOOM HEADSHOT. But Adam found a German custom story called Nintendo Castle Horror, that turned out to be a bit disturbing…well at least for me. Well, today we played an Amnesia custom story, and as usual I was scared shitless by the mere thought of playing Amnesia. If anyone know anymore be welcome to post them.Hellooooo, Bio Hazard’s, ah, personal assistant, I believe the term was, here. Author claims it "might" not be any cheap jumpscares. House of Creep (1 and 2) - I don't know if the game is funny, but some people find the use of graphic bugs hilarious.īaldo's Discovery - Supposed to be a little funny, scary and challenging.

amnesia custom story funny

Nintendo Horror Castle - This is just one big troll mod, but in a hilarious way. Silent Hallways - This is mod is still seen as pretty darn scary, so what is funny? Well. Gary Dark Secrets - The author claims it is supposed to still be scary but doesn't use "cheap jump scares", I don't know in what way. I haven't played them yet so I don't know to well which is what. I found some more mods, some who are just plain funny and some who are also scary. Never heard about "The small horse", sounds a little like Nintendo Horror Castle.

amnesia custom story funny

And no, I wont buy a new game just because you dislike me playing a game in a way you don't like. I didn't ask for your opinion if what you happen to dislike should exist or not.

Amnesia custom story funny